Monday, January 18, 2021

How is new Sea port developed OR New port development process

How is new Sea port developed OR New port development process

 Developing a new port comprises below points of consideration:

1. Market Analysis - this analysis defines the forecast of the market, which contributes to market share as a whole and in present. Also defines pricing analysis and competition in the market

2. Project Financing - To develop a new port you will require huge finance in hands, so your source can be classified in three viz. public source, private source, and private-public partnerships.

3. Port use/Terminal use - Landlord port or operating port, landlord port is port whose regulatory body will be public or government while private people carry out cargo handling process and operating port is slight vice versa of it.

4. Environmental Studies - It consists of risk assessment, environmental impact authority studies, wind and current studies, water depth studies, and vessel surge analysis, Sedimentation studies, wildlife habitual mitigation, soil contamination, and groundwater mitigation, water quality, stormwater management, traffic generation, air emission (vessels, trucks, trains, yard, equipment )

5. Site evaluation - it consists of opportunities and constraints, geotechnical investigation, vessel access, road access, rail access, utility availability/reliability, electric power, water, sanitary, constructability analysis, materials available..

6.Facility planning - Vessel/service forecast, size and call frequency, load and discharge rates, port time per call, berth occupancy. crane productivity/utilization, operational mode analysis, operational flexibility, terminal size analysis, gate sizing, intermodal facility sizing, terminal layout, building programming, security system, perimeter and surveillance, access control system.

7.Preliminery engineering design - breakwater, dredging and reclamation, quay structure, civil infrastructure, storm drain, portable and firewater, grading and pavement, power supply and distribution, cranes power, lighting and reefers, gate, railyard, and building. road and rail connections, security infrastructure, stormwater management, environmental mitigation plan.

8.Equipment studies - it defines equipment type, fleet sizing, quay cranes, yard cranes, misc. equipment, operations density, phasing, labor/manning, automation.

9.Management and operation plan - a form of organizations, landlord versus operating port, management costs, software costs, organizational costs, labor analysis, facilities maintenance, security, labor organization, and manning.

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